How to lock a thread?


Who can lock a thread?

Users with a Restriction Level of Moderator or higher can lock threads.

Where do I find threads?

Threads are found within a forum. All forums can be found on the “Forums” page. To access the “Forums” page, select or hover over a Universe in the side navigation. Then, select “Forums” from the dropdown that appears. 

If already on a Universe page, you can also find “Forums” via the horizontal page menu. On the “Forums” page, you’ll see a list of forums. Click on a forum to see sub-forums and threads.

How do I lock a thread?

Locking a thread allows you to restrict who is able to add new posts to the thread. The creator of a thread can lock their own thread. Admins and Devs are able to lock any thread. 

If you’re able to lock a specific thread, you’ll see a padlock icon in the toolbar. This is the “Lock” button. You can find the thread toolbar at the top of the thread and to the left of the “Reply” button.

The “Lock” button is highlighted in dark blue.

Click the “Lock” button to lock the thread. When a thread is locked, the padlock icon will be filled in.

The  “Lock” button is highlighted in dark blue. It is filled in, indicating that the thread is locked.

Most users will no longer see the “Reply” button at the top of the thread. Devs and Admins will still be able to post to locked threads.

This image shows the member view of a locked thread. Note the missing “Reply” button.

How do I unlock a thread ?

If you want to open a thread back up to community discussion, you can always unlock the thread! Only the original poster, Admins, and Devs can unlock a thread.

Navigate back to the thread you want to unlock. You can check that the thread is currently locked by looking at the padlock icon in the toolbar at the top of the thread. The padlock icon is filled in when a thread is locked.

To unlock the thread, click the padlock icon. It will no longer be filled in. You’ve successfully unlocked the thread!

The “Lock” button is highlighted in dark blue. It is not filled in, indicating that the thread is unlocked.

Note: If a user is still not able to post to a thread that’s been unlocked, they may be banned.